Know Santa? Know Christmas.
No Santa? No Christmas Presents.
That's how we roll in our house. I believe in Santa Claus. I always will. My children *will* believe in Santa too - or they won't get gifts.
Because of this belief, we go and see Santa every year at the mall. Usually, we wait in line for an hour. I bring snacks and games. It's a hunker down, handle it the best you can kind of situation. Because the line is excruciatingly long. Every. Year.
Except this one. I got smart this year. We went at 3:45 (right after Santa gets back from his break) on the Monday before Winter Break begins. We walked right up to the front of the line. It was almost anti-climactic actually. It was at the front of the line where I noticed Julia's application of eye shadow. Eye! Shadow! The 9 year old!! I didn't realize she even had access to glittery eye shadow. But there it was, applied (artfully) to her eyes. Seriously. I am in a heap of trouble with this one if she's putting on make-up for the Santa picture at 9 years old.
So after our quick line for and quick picture with Santa, we headed over to the Cinnabon where I purchased hot chocolates ("very hot! very hot!") and cinnamon rolls for the kids to enjoy. Because this is the only way I can get Colin to go take a picture with Santa. And God bless him, he still does. And always will too, if he still wants to get presents.