Monday, December 1, 2008

Tuxedo pants and athletic supporters

Edwin and Aidan "received" (we paid out the wazoo for) their Tae Kwon Do sparring gear a few weeks ago. Edwin is especially excited about it. He spent several days sporting the equipment and trying it out around the house. When grandparents arrived last week for the fattening holiday, the first thing Ed did was run back to his room to don the equipment. As they were only going out to lunch, Ed didn't really need to wear head to toe sparring protection. When he was told to change, he did so quickly, getting back into his tuxedo pants that he had worn to that morning's pilgrim/indian (yes, they are still called indians at this kindergarten) program:

Edwin: "Mom, I have to wear dark colors. I'm a pilgrim."

Hence the tuxedo pants. What he didn't take off in his dash to remove the gear was his athletic supporter. Because I guess you just can't be too careful at lunch these days. Tuxedo pants and athletic supporter... outfit of champions.

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