Sunday, November 11, 2018

My tribe

These are the women.

These are the women who:

meet together for coffee: every Friday morning for 20 years running
watch our children and care for them as if they were their own
help us bury our parents
stand next to us through crumbling marriages and steady us through divorce
care for us in illness, cancer and depression
listen to us sigh, complain, and cry into our drinks
pull us on to the dance floor
motivate us to exercise
commiserate with our aches and pains of age
make our faces and bellies ache with infectious, contagious laughter
buy enough shoes in one shopping trip to last a lifetime
keep our secrets
fortify us when we can't stand on our own.
work together to put on school events, family events and weddings
hold us accountable in our place in this life
pack our houses - and clean toilets - when we move
celebrate milestone birthdays with us
create and use the word 'craft' as a verb
drink wine and sing along at the Hollywood Bowl
drink coffee with

These are the women who I mark time with, walk through the world with and celebrate life with. This is my tribe and these are my people.

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